As you can see I went for a kind of mech design, giant robots designed for war, this gave me the freedom to add weapons. I wanted to make my designs as big as I could and the most humanoid as as I could. The way I look at robot designs is that the more weapons they have the cooler they will be, that's because that is what I am most interested in. the first design I had a lot of trouble creating the legs and the torso, and I found it even more difficult to connect everything together, so this led to me making a lot of changes.

For my third design i decided to go in a different route and design a robotic animal, this animal is meant to more graceful then threatening. when designing it i did not include any weapons of any sort, the only weapon that this robot has is its shear size, it is meant to be the size of giant skyscrapers. this robot is more like the herbivore in the jungle, non aggressive unless provoked, its mane function is to watch over other robots as well as collect materials such as important materials.

For my final design I went with an animal as my base, but this time I used a more aggressive animal as my base. this robot was inspired by a wolf, I designed it for the sole purpose of combat and hunting, I fused my to separate ideas of creating a combat mech and a robotic animal and out of it I created the WH000 (Wolf Hunter 000) this is meant to be the prototype of a new warfare unit, built for infiltration and demolition. being the prototype I was being experimental so I decided to draw different weapons to see which looked better. I went for one cannon on it shoulder as well as two rocket launchers one on its back and one on its shoulder as well as its claws and teeth. I went with a black colour as its primary colour to give it camo feel as well as to make it look more menacing, and I went with a gold yellow colour because it goes well with black. To finish the design off I added red to parts of the WH000 that are meant to glow to represent blood lust.
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